

This is a travel blog. Its meant to be fun!

I do not claim to be an authority on any subject. I do not claim to suggest the cheapest or even best things to do. They may not be suitable in your own circumstances.

In reading you may take inspiration or information from any of my posts.

Interpret their meaning in any way you wish.

But if you choose to act upon them you do so at your own risk. It is your responsibility to carry out your own authoritative research on the relevant subject.


Thoughts and opinions expressed in this blog are my own.

I have full editorial control of this blog.

In the event I am paid to offer specific opinions, either in the form of promotions or sponsorship, this will be fully disclosed in the relevant blog post.

Any other links or recommendations are freely provided, based on my own use of the relevant service, for your information.

Once again, you use them at your own risk.

I welcome your comments, even if you don’t agree with my opinions. However they must be constructive and in the friendly spirit of the blog, or they will not be published.


All photographs on the site are my own, either taken by me or on my behalf.

In the event I ever use photographs taken by other people full credit will be given in the relevant post.

You may use my photographs for non commercial use, but I ask you give credit to gary-travels.com

Should you wish to use my photographs for commercial reasons please contact me.